Best web hosting and domain providers in India
In todays world all business are transforming into digital world so website is mandatory so many small businesses people and startup entrepreneurs looking for low cost web hosting domain name providers so in this blog we are going to explain best domain and hosting providers for WordPress website, Shopify and code based website designing. we provide cheap and best hosting provider which suitable for all types of business from MNC to startups and from VPN providers to cloud hosting and from shared hosting to dedicated hosting What is web hosting and domain Domain means name of our website for example in this slsn is the domain name and .in is the extension .com, .gov, .us, .online this are some extensions Hosting means space inside the server mean it is storage of our website in server example for hosting it is like a sim card in a mobile phone in which domain compared as here as mobile number. please check this before buying a domain and hosting HTTp means Hypertext Transfer Protocol not secured website don’t prefer this this HTTPS means Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure it is secure prefer this while buying domain and hosting SSL means Secure Sockets Layer it must and should include in your hosting plan 1. Hostinger Now a days hostinger is used by many people for there websites it is also having economic plans comparing to other providers it is also having best network all over world it is providing free domain for 1 year if you choose any hosting plan for one years it is also offering Up to 75% off hosting + website builder. Hostinger is highly recommended by WordPress for WordPress website development coming to trust it is rated 4.7 trust score in Trustpilot , 4.8 out of 5 rating by google and 4.6 out of 5 rating by hostadvice team. Hostinger plans web hosting plans 2. Go Daddy godaddy is popular most hosting provider in the world it is also having good plans suitable for different business fields it also having cheapest wordpress plans godddy is having good reputation and trust. GoDaddy helps small businesses with economic plans. GoDaddy web hosting plans 3. Bigrock Big rock is popularly know for it economic domain and hosting providers services it is highly rated 4.3 out of 5 by there customers in google they providing 24/7 support for there customers in live chats and they also take calls from 9am to 8pm they offer various value-added services to there customers. Bigrock web hosting plans 4. MilesWeb Miles web is also one of best hosting provider they providing 1 million plus website worldwide they have many successes stories in there journey they also providing 30days moneyback guarantee program it helps a lot to the customers they also having 24/7 Support in English & Hindi and Free website migration they providing economic plans also Milesweb web hosting plans 5. HostGator HostGator is most used hosting services used by Linux. It is the most reliable Linux shared web hosting this hosting provider use Linux hosting options which make website most faster other hostings it is also providing one click installation of WordPress. HostGator is also having economic plans. HostGator web hosting plans Looking for a website designer for your business SLSN is helping you to design websites for your business from ₹10000
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